Comprehensive Eye Exams


We provide comprehensive eye care for the whole family. Routine eye exams are important to maintain optimal vision and healthy eyes. Our eye doctors diagnose eye and vision conditions to maintain healthy vision and provide our patients with their best treatment options.


Your child is never too young to have their eyes examined. Vision problems can often be mistaken for behavioral issues. Learning, attention span can all be related to deficiencies in a child's ability to coordinate their eyes as a team.
According to the American Optometric Association, infants should have their first comprehensive eye exam at 6 months of age. Our doctors participate in a program that provides a one-time, comprehensive eye assessment to infants in their first year at no cost. This first well-child vision assessment for babies is known as InfantSEE®.
Children then should have additional eye exams at age 3, and just before they enter the first grade at about age 5.

  • Common Eye Conditions
  • Amblyopia (lazy eye)
  • Astigmatism (irregular cornea)
  • Myopia (nearsighted)
  • Hyperopia (farsighted)
  • Convergence Insufficiency (eye teaming problem)
  • Blepharitis (debris at base of eyelids)
  • Stye (swollen bump on eyelid)

baby in an eye exam
pediatric eye exam
childrens eye exam